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  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Find tips for talking to your teen about tough subjects: sex and substance abuse.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Teen smoking is on the rise. Learn the common factors that can lead a teenager to start smoking, and find out how to avoid them.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Many kids begin drinking alcohol before they have reached the legal age. Evaluate the use of alcohol in your home, and teach your teenager to drink responsibly.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Teen drug use is up in America. Learn the telltale signs of drug use, and watch for them in your teenager.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Read about the drugs that most commonly lead to overdoses. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of overdose, and you could save a life.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    If you or your spouse has a problem with alcohol, these resources can help.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Organizations, books, and websites addressing tobacco, drug, and alcohol issues.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    It is always best to address questions about medication to your child's doctor.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    When grades drop so drastically and behavior changes so much, some testing may be called for.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Don't overreact to a child's "experiments" with alcohol -- but do spend some time discussing this.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Much drug and alcohol experimentation begins as early as 10 or 11 years of age.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Our expert advises a teen to reconsider his drinking behavior and find better ways to get what he are seeking.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    A mother blames her son's girlfriend for his smoking habit.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    A parent asks how he should act in the face of discovering risky and illegal behavior on the part of his son's friend and most likely his son.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    When parents' suspicions are aroused, they may have to exercise their rights and obligations by invading their child's privacy.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol can be tough.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    What is the best way to deal with your son after you find evidence of drinking?

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Find out how to help teenagers quit smoking.

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